Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Dream Of Being a Fashionista

Welcome to my blog! I got the idea out of a writers magazine to help build up my writing skills and gain readers of the book I am writing called "Changing her Stripes" The book is a true fashionista's dream! But more about that later. I am currently dreaming of BEING a fashionista I have the poise the fashion sense and the drive to walk into the room and turn heads. I just have a few problems in the business of being a fashionista: 1) I am poor for the first time in my life. 2) I am a stay at home mom with no car to make the scene and 3) I have become lazy when it comes down to looking fabulous.

I never leave the house because we only have one car. I have no problem taking my 2 1/2 year old shopping with me. Never leaving the house is a big setback for me because I have gotten to the point where I find it a waste of time to get dressed and made up to clean the house and then sit on my couch all day watching cartoons with my son. When I do go out I am usually wearing jeans and a t-shirt, maybe a studded arm cuff, earrings or a necklace but that too is pretty rare.

Another problem I have is my hair was once short and stylish and now it's grown out to look almost like a bob (gross right?) Plus I have a blue streak in my hair that is growing out and my eyebrows desperately need a wax. My nails are a disaster because of all the work we have done around our new home. The only thing I got going on is my toe nails, they look great, but it's been cold here since its just early April and I cant show off my perfect toes.

Personally I believe that not just clothing and accessories make a fashionista but her home as well. We recently down graded on space but not on price to live in a town near my boyfriends family, a fresh coat of paint is great but it doesn't change the fact that we have a smaller home. Case in point we have one of our dressers in the living room, our bedroom door wont shut because we have our bed about two and a half feet from the door and our dining room doubles as a pantry and an office for me. I don't think that any designer could alleviate any of the downsides to this space including my closet, the only one in the house mind you it not only holds my clothing but boxes and bins of items we aren't using. My shoes are in flat containers under my bed, that was the best I could do to be able to see what shoes I have.

So there you have it, on my budget and lifestyle I find it very difficult to be the fashionista I was born to be. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me reach my dreams of becoming a fashionista? Maybe a donation or two (just kidding).

Now here is a preview of the beginning of my future novel, Changing Her Stripes

Our main character's name is Claire, she has just turned 30 and really feels that she needs to dress to impress like she sees in downtown Chicago where she works. Her Grammy left her $30,000 out of the blue to spend on her self. Her two best friends are Fiona, a fashion director for Chicago Magazine and Jessica an interior designer. She decides it's time to dump the frump so to speak and goes on a massive shopping spree with her friend Fiona, while also redecorating her stark white apartment with Jessica.

And that's just a little taste of my Novel.

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